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Artwork that Works with Identity.

Hey everyone!

I wanted to write a post that describes one of the projects I am working on. A artwork that is strapped onto a person's head, and neck with broken pieces of faces sewn together with red thread dangling in front of the wearer's eyes, this artwork discloses the ambiguity of identity. In a society that consumes pop culture, beauty standards, and reliance on altercations to the flesh. The cut, delete and paste design of this artwork is questioning the authenticity of visual culture, and the impact it has on adolescents' sense and frustrations in attaining their own identity. This artwork will symbolize a person hiding behind what they believe is beauty. If you have any feedback feel free to comment or contact me!

Some artists that inspired me:

CV Dazzle: A organization that distorts the face to deflect technology detection, ways we find identity is how we look and how others perceive us, In society identity can be interpreted by an individual's manipulation of their own body, for some time its constraints are subject to clothing, makeup, tattooing, piercings and surgery. Do our bodies truly belong to ourselves through facial recognition and the acceptance of popular cultures standards of beauty? Have we turned into self editing beings, constantly altering our identity.

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